BAPTISM: Baptismal Preparation is completed on an as-needed and individal basis. Please contact the pastor to arrange for the celebration of this Sacrament.
MARRIAGE: Couples seeking to celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony should contact the pastor not less than six (6) months prior to your planned wedding date. NO specific dates or arrangements should be made prior to meeting with the pastor. See also our Liturgy Page for resources.
CONFESSION: Please consult the main page of our website for regular times or call for an appointment, if necessary.
ANNOINTING OF THE SICK: The Sacrament of the sick isn't just for those who are dying, but is available to those who are experiencing signficant health issues, before elective surgery and in emergency circumstances. Please call the parish office to make arrangements.
Programs normally begin in the fall, just after the regular school year starts. For information on parish religious education programs, including:
* Sunday Religious Education
* First Reconciliation & Communion (typically 2nd grade)
* Confirmation
* RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Please call or email the parish office and to provide your contact information and the respective program coordinator will contact you.
Augustine Institutes' FORMED
The digital age demands that we go beyond the brick and mortar approach to reaching souls for Christ. As Pope Saint John Paul II proclaimed, we must expand the “ardor, methods and expression” to effectively spread the Truth of the Gospel.FORMED is your single source for Bible studies, sacramental prep materials, documentaries, and more. Leading Catholic experts help your parishioners grow in their faith and lead them closer to Christ through the Sacraments and the Gospel.
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